Measurements on Novel Materials
addition to providing new challenges to our basic understanding of materials,
strange metals (such as ruthenate oxides and high temperature superconductors)
and magnetic semiconductors hold great technological promise. By exploring
how polarization (the direction in which the electric field in a light
wave oscillates) of transmitted and reflected infrared light changes in
a magnetic field, we find new structure that is hidden from more conventional
measurements, such as infrared spectroscopy, which only measures the intensity
(the amplitude of the electric field in a light wave) of transmitted and
reflected light.
materials have a number of fundamentally anomalous properties that have
defied explanation for the last decade. One of the most striking anomalies
in these sytems is the DC Hall effect. A rich variety of models have been
used to explain the DC Hall measurements in these materials, however,
these models predict different behavior at higher frequencies. Thus, Hall
measurements at finite frequencies are essential for determining which
models have the most promise for providing a complete understanding of
these materials. We have extended Hall measurement into the infrared frequency
range by using sensitive optical polarization modulation techniques.
Techniques-Infrared Hall Effect
of the most fundamental measurements in condensed matter physics are the
dc Hall effect and infrared spectroscopy. In metals and semiconductors,
the dc (direct current, meaning constant current) Hall effect allows one
to determine the sign and density of the charge carriers. This in turn
allows one to determine the dc mobility of the material, which is critical
for making fast electronic devices. The dc Hall effect has also been critical
in the discovery of many interesting phenomena in both conventional and
unconventional materials. The discoveries of the integer and fractional
quantum Hall effects in semiconductors have led to two Nobel prizes in
the last few decades. The dc Hall effect in high temperature superconductor
cuprates (HTSC) has exhibited strikingly anomalous behavior that remains
one of the key puzzles in understanding these materials. The many interesting
metallic ferromagnets such as CaxSr1-xRuO3
and diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS), the origin of the anomalous
dc Hall effect remains unclear on a fundamental level.
simplified cartoon explaining the dc Hall effect measurement is shown
in the left panel of the figure below. An electric field Ey
is applied in the y-direction to drive a current I in the same direction
through the sample in the presence of a magnetic field B, which is oriented
along the z-direction and is perpendicular to the surface of the sample.
The interaction of the current and the magnetic field leads to an electric
field Ex in the x-direction, which in produces a Hall voltage
VHall, which is also across the x-direction. The dc Hall effect
essentially measures how charged carriers are deflected by a magnetic
test3 DC Hall effect: The current I interacts with the applied
magnetic field B to produce an electric field Ex and Hall
voltage VHall that are along the x-direction. |
IR conductivity: Infrared radiation provides an oscillating
electric field Ei, which interacts with the sample. There
may or may not be an applied magnetic field B, and only the magnitude
of the transmitted and/or reflected light is measured. |
IR Hall effect: Light that is linearly polarized in
the vertical direction with electric field Ei is incident
upon the sample from the left. The sample in magnetic field B produces
a tranverse component Ex which adds to the longitudinal
component to produce a new polarization which is rotated and elliptical.
dc measurements, where the applied electric field is constant, infrared
(IR) conductivity measurements probe the dynamic response of the sample
using an oscillating electric field. A simple cartoon representing an
IR conductivity measurement is shown in the middle panel of the figure
above. The oscillating electric field is provided by IR radiation, with
wavelengths typically ranging from 1 μm to tens of μm. By measuring
the magnitude of the transmitted electric field, Et, as a function
of frequency, one gains important information about the energy levels
in the sample that are absorbing the light. The IR range is important
for many materials because there are many fundamental excitations due
to the band structure and/or collective effects that lie in this energy
range. There may or may not be an applied magnetic field B, and only the
magnitude of the transmitted light is measured. The polarization of the
transmitted light may change, but this technique is not sensitive to these
Hall effect measurements combine the sensitivity to the carriers' tranverse
response of the Hall effect with the energy resolution of ir conductivity
measurements to provide a new view into materials. A simple cartoon representing
an IR Hall measurement is shown in the right panel of the figure above.
Light that is linearly polarized in the vertical direction with electric
field Ei is incident upon the sample from the left. The sample in magnetic
field B produces a tranverse component Ex (just like the dc Hall effect!)
which adds to the longitudinal component to produce a new polarization
which is rotated and elliptical. This rotation and ellipticity are measured
as a function of frequency and can reveal smaller aysmmetries in the sample's
response that would not be observed using conventional IR conductivity
measurements. One key advantage of IR Hall measurements is that unlike
IR conductivity measurements which measure the sum of the sample's response
to left and right circularly polarized light, this technique measures
the difference. Therefore, small asymmetries and small changes in the
electronic structure of the sample can be seen much more clearly with
IR Hall measurements.
The cartoon below shows the changes in the polarization of transmitted
light that samples produce when a magnetic field is applied. For more
background on the polarization of light and polarization-sensitive measurement,
please take a look at Conceptual
Learning Approach to Waves.
new measurement and analysis techniques that we have developed allow us
to extract both the infrared (1-11 μm wavelength light) longitudinal
conductivity σxx, which describes how charges move along an
applied electric field, as well as the Hall conductivity σxy,
which describes how charges move perpendicular to an applied electric
field in the presence of a magnetic field, by measuring the polarization
of light (Kim et al., Phys. Rev B 75, 214416 (2007)). These measurement
and analysis techniques have been applied to study diluted magnetic semiconductors,
magnetic oxides, and high temperature superconducting cuprates. These measurements are still in their early
stages, but we expect to gain more insight and begin looking at other materials in the near future.
Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
is an exciting material because it raises interesting fundamental questions
about magnetic semiconductors and has the potential to lead to important
new technologies based on spintronics. One of the key questions in this
material is the location of the Fermi level. Until this basic question
is answered, it will be difficult to make further progress in understanding
and manipulating this material. We have measured the polarization rotation
and ellipticity in transmitted (Faraday effect) and reflected (Kerr effect)
light in many different Ga1-xMnxAs films. The samples
are from V. Novak's group in the Czech Republic, O. Dubon's group at U.
of California, Berkeley, and H. Luo's group at UB. We found large Faraday
and Kerr signals with hysteretic behavior (see figure below). The signals
show strong frequency dependence, including sign changes. The frequency
dependence in several samples at low temperature is in good agreement
with calculations by the Sinova group at Texas A&M. Unlike the findings
of the work by Basov and Burch (for example see, Phys. Rev. Lett 97, 087208
(2006)), our results are consistent with the Fermi level being located
in the valence band and not in an impurity band. Our measuremennts can
test this model very sensitively and the key test will be to look at the
shifts in the Faraday and Kerr spectra as a function of carrier concentration.
We have published preliminary results in the following papers:
'Infrared Magneto-Optical Studies in Ga1-xMnxAs Films,' G.Acbas, J. Cerne,
M.Cukr, V. Novak and J. Sinova, AIP Conference Proceedings 893 (Pt. B,
Physics of Semiconductors, Part B), 1217-1218 (2007).
Comparison of the mid-infrared magneto-optical response of Ga1-xMnxAs
films grown by molecular beam epitaxy and ion implantation/laser melting,'
G. Acbas, J. Cerne, J. Sinova, M.A. Scarpulla, O.D. Dubon, M. Cukr, and
V. Novak, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 20, 457-460 (2007).

Magnetic Oxides
with Ga1-xMnxAs, in SrRuO3 we measured
large Faraday and Kerr signals with hysteretic behavior and strong frequency
dependence, including sign changes (see figure below). The CaxSr1-xRuO3
films were grown and characterized by the Christen and Mandrus groups
at Oak Ridge National Lab. σxx determined using the Faraday/Kerr
analysis is in good agreement with longitudinal transport measurements,
Kostic PRL '98, and σxy in reasonably good agreement with
predictions (Fang Science '03) above 200 meV. Below 200 meV, the infrared
Hall angle has similar temperature dependence as the dc Hall angle, changing
sign at approximately 140K. Above 200 meV the infrared Hall angle behaves
more like the magnetic susceptibility as a function of temperature and
monotonically decreases without changing sign. We have completed a preprint
on the SrRuO3 results and are analyzing them using both intrinsic
and extrinsic anomalous Hall effect models. It appears that the extrinsic
contribution can be tuned out by probing the Hall response at frequencies
above the impurity scattering rate.
CaRuO3, which is the paramagnetic cousin of SrRuO3,
we measured much weaker Faraday signals that are linear in applied magnetic
field. Unlike SrRuO3, the frequency dependence of the Faraday
angle in CaRuO3 was remarkably weak in the 100-200 meV range.
Although the dc Hall angle in both CaRuO3 and SrRuO3
changes sign with temperature, no sign change in the IR Hall angle in
the 100-200 meV range was observed for CaRuO3. The IR Hall
angle in CaRuO3 behaves like the magnetic susceptibility as
a function of temperature and unlike SrRuO3 there is no sign
change as a function of temperature at 100 meV.

High Temperature Superconducting Cuprates
a collaboration with the Drew (U. Maryland) and Millis (Columbia U.) groups
we have explored the IR Hall conductivity σxy in the superconductor
Pr2-xCexCuO4 (see figure below and Zimmers
et al., Phys. Rev. B 76, 064515 (2007)). One of the key questions in these
materials is whether there are any remnants of the antiforromagnetic insulating
(AFI) state as the material is doped with electrons into the superconducting
state (see top panel of figure below). Up to now, different measurement
techniques have led to different answers to this important basic question.
We looked at three samples that were grown by the Greene group at U. Maryland:
an underdoped sample with doping concentration x=0.12, an optimally doped
(has highest superconducting transition temperature) sample with doping
concentration x=0.15, and an overdoped sample with doping concentration
x=0.18. Since σxy is sensitive to small differences in
the chirality (left or right handedness) of absorption of IR light, dramatic
gap-like features evidenced by Im(σxy) crossing zero (x=0.12
and 0.15 samples in the bottom panel of the figure below) are clearly
seen even for optimally doped Pr2-xCexCuO4. This is the first direct optical
evidence that the AFI state is still present even for samples that have
the highest superconducting temperature. The overdoped (x=0.18) sample
also shows unusual behavior, which is currently being investigated.

gratefully acknowledge the support of the Research Corporation (Cottrell
Schollar Award) and the National Science Foundation (CAREER-DMR0449899)
for making this work possible.
